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New posts in com-interop

Side-By-Side COM Interop with C# and VBA

Why is the indexer on my .NET component not always accessible from VBScript?

c# .net vbscript com-interop

delaying excel calculations during interop C#

How to get specific Range in Excel through COM Interop?

c# excel com-interop range

COM Interop in Mono 2.0

Which collection interface should I use in .NET for COM-interop?

.net vb6 com-interop

accessing .net2.0 dll in a .net 4.0 dll

c# .net com clr com-interop

How does COM select how to marshal an interface?

Language neutral plugin architectures

How Does a COM Program Locate a .NET DLL Registered for COM Interop?

gac com-interop regasm

COMException (0x800A13E9) - Word interop services

c# ms-word com-interop

What's the difference between HandleRef and GCHandle?

Converting between 2 different libraries using the same COM interface in C#

c# .net casting com com-interop

Creating a COM indexed property from C#?

c# .net vb6 com-interop

Expose dll for COM Interop

What does MethodImplAttribute(InternalCall, Runtime) do for methods of COM Interop interfaces?

c# .net com com-interop

What's the difference between CoCreateInstance() and CoGetClassObject() when creating objects on the same machine?

Marshal.GetActiveObject("Outlook.Application") throws MK_E_UNAVAILABLE when debugging with elevated privileges

com4j versus jacob to call COM methods from Java

java com com-interop com+ jacob