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New posts in com-interop

Cleaning up CommandBar buttons

c# com ninject com-interop vbide

How to mark .NET objects exposed to COM-interop as single threaded?

What are the CoClass interfaces in imported assemblies exactly for?

c# .net com com-interop tlbimp

How to get string from dataPackageView.GetDataAsync()

c# uwp com-interop

Excel COM Interop - tlbimp vs primary WrapperTool

Properly disposing C# objects when created via COM Interop

c# vb6 com-interop dispose

Create VB6 application using a class in a DLL, then swap out that DLL after build?

vb.net vb6 com-interop

Why is it that ArrayList works with COM Interop, but IList<T> doesn't?

Calling a native callback from managed .NET code (when loading the managed code using COM)

c# .net com interop com-interop

What exactly is "lightweight COM"?

Releasing a COM object reference safely from .NET

.net com-interop rcw

How can I coerce an integer to an enum type in PowerShell?

PowerShell: how to convert a COM object to an .NET interop type?

How to return a JavaScript 'native' array from a C# method?

Using C# COM in unmanaged C++ project -> First-chance exception at 0x7697C41F (KernelBase.dll)

.NET Core 2.1 - How to create COM object and generate *.tlb file

Memory leak for CComBSTR

Automation Error when instantiating a .Net COM visible class

.net vb6 com-interop

writing long text in excel workbook using interop throws error?

c# .net vb.net excel com-interop

Force .NET interop to use local COM DLL