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How to Switch Cascade delete off in a One to Many Relationship with EF CTP5 Fluent API

Cannot get relationship to update for navigation properties in entity framework

EF 4.1 RTM - EntityTypeConfiguration

Code First Fluent API and Navigation Properties in a Join Table

Whats better design/practice: Nullable property or 1 value property and 1 bool "has" property?

Sample for Entity Framework 6 + Code First + Oracle 12c

Have Entity Framework ignore derived types

Entity Framework Code First - Configuration in another file

Entity Framework: Tracking changes to FK associations

Code first causing required relation to be optional?

How can I delete an object with navigation property with entity framework 5 code first?

Entity framework (CTP5, Fluent API). Rename column of navigation property

Entity Framework 6 One-Way relationship using Code First

How to set database column as "Sparse" when using EF Code First Fluent API?

Entity Framework Code First 5 Cascade Delete on many to many tables error

[Win32Exception (0x80004005): The system cannot find the file specified]

Entity Framework Code first mapping without foreign key

Entity Framework CTP5, code-first. Optional navigation property

EF 4.1 Mapping Problem

Entity Framework and Code First Development