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LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method

Cascade Delete, same table, Entity Framework 4 Code First

Entity Framework - Code First doesn't load referenced object

Entity Framework: How to enable cascade delete on one way related entities

EF Code First: Multiplicity constraint violation

How can I have a staging site for my Azure web app with its own database?

must be non-nullable in order to use as parameter 'T'

Entity Framework 6 Creating Two table from the same entity object

Entity Framework v4 Code-Only Connection String

EF4 code-first vs model-first with regards to model validation

Access DbContext from IQueryable

code-first ef4-code-only

EF (Entity Framework) 4.3 Migration tool does not work on EF 4.1 DB

Parametrized POCO Constructors with the Entity Framework

Entity Framework Code First Azure connection

EntityFramework not creating tables

Entity Framework: Remove and Add entities with same key in a single request

Entity Framework Code First Migrations: get sql scripts programmatically

Entity Framework - CTP4 - Code First - How to turn off the automatic pluralization?

Creating entity diagrams from code first classes

How to use MySql and Entity Framework 4.1 code first