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CRUD Views For Many-Many Relationship, Checkboxes

EF 4.1: Why does turning a constant into a variable result in extra sub query?

EF 4.1 Code First ModelBuilder HasForeignKey for One to One Relationships

How to Create Function in Code First?

How do i define Keys when working with "EF-Code First"?

Entity Framework Code First Self Join, 'Multiplicity is not valid in Role'

EF 5.0 Multiplicity Error On Simple Mapping

Adding a migrations gives filename already exists

First try StructureMap and MVC3 via NuGet

Entity Framework Code-First: "The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same key."

Entity framework 4.3 with required association

Entity Framework Code First 30+ seconds StartUp Time

Can I hide my ICollection<T> fields when I have a one-to-many mapping in EF4 code-only?

Entity Framework CTP5 Code First - Possible to do entity splitting on a non-primary key?

Code-First Reference one-to-many

Entity Framework CTP5 (Code First) Modeling - lookup tables

Entity Framework - Code First Fluent API: ErrorMessage?

Code First Migrations for a custom NuGet package can't be executed from main application

EF code first from database 0..1 to many relationship

Entity Framework 4 Code First and the new() Operator