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New posts in icollection

ICollection / ICollection<T> ambiguity problem

What happens when casting IEnumerable to ICollection

ICollection <T> to string array (using string property)

c# linq lambda icollection

Is there a nice simple & elegant way to make ICollection more fluent in C#?

Extension methods for both ICollection and IReadOnlyCollection

c# icollection

Using ASP.NET MVC 3 with Razor, what's the most effective way to add an ICollection to a Create view?

C# Get properties from SettingsPropertyCollection

Using IList, List, ICollection for 1 to n relationships in EF Core

Is instantiating a Queue using {a,b,c} possible in C#?

c# arrays queue icollection

Can I hide my ICollection<T> fields when I have a one-to-many mapping in EF4 code-only?

ASP MVC3 - BeginCollectionItem returning nulls

Code contracts warnings when implementing ICollection with backing collection

Unable to cast object of type 'WhereEnumerableIterator`1' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.ICollection`1

Why lock on Collection.SyncRoot instead of just lock the collection?

.net icollection syncroot

ICollection vs ICollection<T>- Ambiguity between ICollection<T>.Count and ICollection.Count

c# generics icollection

converting linq query to icollection

list icollection

T in class? AddRange ICollection?

c# .net icollection

Microsoft Guidelines for Collections: Confused about several parts

Does AsQueryable() on ICollection really makes lazy execution?

how to set an empty iCollection c#

c# icollection