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EF6: Create stored procedure. Use Fluent API or DBMigrations?

Entity Framework code first add constraint for positive numbers

EF Update-Database Error: Value cannot be null Parameter name: type

How do you actually perform relationships in Entity Framework 4 Code-First CTP 5?

EF 4.1 Code First Issue After Upgrade

Entity Framework and string as NCLOB on oracle Db

Getting "The SqlParameter is already contained by another SqlParameterCollection." error while using SqlQuery command

How do I stop EF (Code First) Checking For Schema Changes

How to unit test ASP.NET MVC Controller without Using Repository Pattern

EF 4.2, CodeFirst - Navigation property within a complext type

How do I populate data in Entity Framework code first on database creation?

.NET MVC: How to define ntext field in Code-First for SQL CE?

Entity Framework 4 - Code First not storing inherited table separate from base table

Export data as C# / VB format to use them in EF Code First's Database Initialization

Entity Framework Code First Many to Many creating duplicate rows

Entity Framework, Code First modeling and a cyclical reference

EF Code First CTP 5 and SQL SErver 2008 R2

ntext in ServiceStack.OrmLite

Code First - Self-referencing one to many relation