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Entity Framework Code First: how to map multiple self-referencing many-to-many relationships

Good practice to use a different DbContext class for every page? [closed]

Problem modelling relationship in Entity Framework using code first

Change EF 4.1 Code First Default DB Location

Node js and Code First

node.js database code-first

Entity Framework code first custom fieldd that I don't want to map to DB

Entity Framework:Why the collection type of entity class need to be instanced in the default constructor?

What does the [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGenerationOption.Computed)] data annotation do?

Using EF4 Code First: How can I change the Model without losing data

Entity Framework 4.1 Code First - Define many-to-many using data annotations only

Entity Framework - Navigating and Including properties through collections

Naming conventions in generated many-to-many table using EF4 CTP4 code first approach

More than one migrations configuration type was found in the assembly ''. Specify the name of the one to use. On add-migration

Multiplicity constraint violated SQL Server 2008 - CodeFirst

Entity Framework | Code First - Get Name Of Created Table

EF Code First forced eager loading

Entity Framework Code First MaxLength and FixedLegth (char vs varchar)

What causes "Incorrect syntax near <stored procedure name>" in EF Code First and SQL 2005?

EF Code First Migration with Multiple Database / DbContext