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How to enable cascade delete in TPT (table per type) inheritance in code first?

c# sql code-first

How can we change naming convention of foreign keys in DB in EF Code First CTP5?

Entity Framework Code First Case Sensitivity on string PK/FK Relationships

How can I use a sql reserved keyword in the name of a property in an entity framework data context?

Entity Framework Code First Data Migrations not working with VS2012 Web Deploy

GUI or Visual Studio-plugin for managing Entity Framework Code First Migrations [closed]

Entity Framework 4.1 Code First approach to create many-to-many relation

EF Codefirst validate unique property?

Is it possible to use LinqPad with a code-first model

Deploying database changes with EF 4.1

Entity Framework Code First One to One Relationship

Entity Framework CTP5 - How to Call Stored Procedure?

how to do many to many with the same table with EF4 Code First

Inheritance EF Code-First

How to make persisted computed column in EF code first?

Many-To-Many Relationship in Code-First EF4

Disabling Entity Framework's default value generation (Code First)

Updating a reference to a child object in Entity framework 4.1 (CodeFirst)

Entity Framework save IP as binary to SQL Server

How to join multiple tables?