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New posts in code-first

Seeding a Database with Code First Entity Framework - Foreign key syntax

How to update entities which are modified outside the DbContext?

How do I get the raw SQL underlying a LINQ query when using Entity Framework CTP 5 "code only"?

How do i delete single record from table using EF 6.1.1

EF 4.1 Code First: "non-null value of type 'DateTime'" Issue

Code first migrations - what connection string will it use?

Code First adding to collections? How to use Code First with repositories?

EF 4.1 Code First - Determine What Properties Have Changed

EF6 CodeFirst My [Key] Id Column is not auto-incrementing as an identity column should

Can't run code first migrations using migrate.exe

EF4 code-first: defining object relationships, foreign keys

EF Code First - Globally set varchar mapping over nvarchar

Multiple foreign keys pointing to same table in Entity Framework 4.1 code first

IDbSet and Exposing Include method via Extension Method

Code First entity framework connection string

Entity Framework Database.SetInitializer simply not working

Entity Framework Code-First Execute Scalar-Valued Functions

Entity Framework Core Code-First: Cascade delete on a many-to-many relationship

EF Migrations: RenameColumn in Automatic Migrations?

Error storing Image in SQL CE 4.0 with ASP.NET MVC 3 and Entity Framework 4.1 Code First