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About Code First Database Evolution (aka Migrations)

EntityFramework CodeFirst: CASCADE DELETE for same table many-to-many relationship

What the purpose of OnModelCreating in EF4 Code-First?

Generate SQL CE database from EF Code-First DbContext class

EF 4.1 Code First doesn't create column for List<string>

Entity Framework Code First Many to Many Setup For Existing Tables

Database.SqlQuery calling stored procedure that has multiple output parameters

EF6, Code-First, enable-migrations, "Unable to load the specified metadata resource"

Deploy Entity Framework Code First

Create ASP.NET Identity tables using SQL script

Change foreign key constraint naming convention

Enable cascading deletes in EF Code First without exposing foreign key

Added code-first entity doesn't lazy-load properties

My Seed() method is never called in Code First EF 5

How can I implement DBSet.AddOrUpdate in Entity Framework 4.4?

MvcMiniProfiler on EF 4.1 Code-First project doesn't profile SQL

seed method not called with EntityFramework CodeFirst

Influencing foreign key column naming in EF code first (CTP5)

C# How to use DataAnnotations StringLength and SubString to remove text

EF4 Code First: how to add a relationship without adding a navigation property