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Column names in each table must be unique. Column name 'StripeRecipientId' in table 'dbo.Foos' is specified more than once

Can I access the discriminator value in TPH mapping with Entity Framework 4 CTP5

Returning a DataTable using Entity Framework ExecuteStoreQuery

DDD with EF Code First - how to put them together?

how to annotate a parent-child relationship with Code-First

EF code first: How to delete a row from an entity's Collection while following DDD?

Loading Nested Entities / Collections with Entity Framework

EF Code First Readonly column

Entity Framework CTP 4 - Code First Custom Database Initializer

EF4 Code-First causes InvalidOperationException

Using MySql with Entity Framework 4 and the Code-First Development CTP

Understanding ForeignKey attribute in entity framework code first

EF Code First Parent-Child insertions with identity columns

Adding CreatedDate to an entity using Entity Framework 5 Code First

Code First Migrations and Stored Procedures

Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION in ASP.NET MVC 4 C# Code First

Tool to convert Entity Framework EDMX to Code First

How do I use Entity Framework in Code First Drop-Create mode?

Using Entity Framework Code First CTP5, how do I create a primary key column that are INTs and are not identity columns

SQL 'time' type in Entity Framework Code First