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Detect unused functions in C [duplicate]

SQL Server - Schema/Code Analysis Rules - What would your rules include?

making graph/map of functions/methods calls in c# code (visual studio 2008)

C Language Data Structure Visualisation [closed]

What open source tools could help me understand a large legacy application written in C?

code-analysis legacy

CS1684 Reference to Type System.Windows.Input.ICommand claims it is defined in 'xxx' but could not be found

How do I find all the classes used in a PHP file?

Code analysis rule CA1040: Avoid empty interfaces, complains on a non empty interface

Determine Uninitialized Variable in VC++

Make code analyzers ignore AssemblyInfo.cs

How to get FxCop have the same set of rules as that of Visual Studio Code Analysis?

CA1819: Properties should not return arrays. Does this rule apply for other objects too?

Does flake8 require any installation of my Python project's dependencies?

Ndepend and other automatic code analyser revelence?

c# .net code-analysis

CA1500 vs. SA1309 - Which one wins?

How can I disable live code analysis in Visual Studio 2017?

Solution for CA2227 or better approach?

Nested using statements and Microsoft code Analyses

c# .net code-analysis fxcop