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New posts in cin

Trying to push an unknown number of strings into a vector, but my cin loop doesn't terminate

c++ cin

How Can I avoid char input for an int variable?

c++ integer character cin

Does "cin" reset variable to some default value if input type differs from destination type? [duplicate]

c++ cin

Using cin in QtCreator

c++ qt-creator cin

cin and boolean input

c++ boolean cin

Check if string is in string (list of strings)

Getting arrow keys from cin

c++ cin

Is it possible to use cin with Qt?

c++ qt iostream cin

cin >> "no operator matches these operands"

c++ cin

C++ cin char read symbol-by-symbol

c++ stream char cin

Difference between cin and cin.get() for char array

c++ arrays string namespaces cin

c++, how to verify is the data input is of the correct datatype [duplicate]

c++ cin

How to signify no more input for string ss in the loop while (cin >> ss)

c++ file-io cin eof

Reading getline from cin into a stringstream (C++)

difference between cin.get() and cin.getline()

c++ get cin getline

Can a variable be initialized with an istream on the same line it is declared? [duplicate]

c++ int cin

How to read cin with whitespace up until a newline character?

c++ string cin

Checking cin input stream produces an integer

c++ cin

Read binary data from std::cin

c++ stream binary stdin cin

how do I validate user input as a double in C++?

c++ validation double cin