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New posts in cin

Reading 'unsigned int' using 'cin'

c++ windows int unsigned cin

std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n') error when using #include <Windows.h> [duplicate]

c++ max cin

input to C++ executable python subprocess

python c++ subprocess popen cin

Using the console in a GUI app in windows, only if its run from a console

c++ windows console cout cin

cin.getline() is skipping an input in C++ [duplicate]

c++ string getline cin

getline(cin, aString) receiving input without another enter

c++ string getline cin

std::getline on std::cin

c++ getline cin

Skipping expected characters like scanf() with cin

c++ iostream scanf cin cstdio

Find the end of stream for cin & ifstream?

c++ ifstream eof cin istream

I want cin to read until '\n' but I cannot use getline

c++ string io newline cin

Pipe an input to C++ cin from Bash

c++ bash input pipe cin

What does cin do when there is an error

c++ error-handling cin

C++ how does While( cin >> x) work?

c++ operators cin istream

How to properly use cin.peek()

c++ struct cin peek

std::cin skips white spaces

c++ cin spaces

C++: using cin on a child process

c++ cin

Basic String input

c++ string input getline cin

Why doesn't std::noskipws work, or what is it supposed to do?

c++ std cin

C++ - pointer being freed was not allocated error

c++ input cin

Problem of using cin twice

c++ cin