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General purpose FromEvent method

Replacing instructions in a method's MethodBody

Performance penalty when Generic.List<T>.Add is the last statement in a function and tailcall optimization is on

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ILGenerator method inlining

Convert IntPtr to Int64: conv.u8 or conv.i8?

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IL generics - what rules exist for when !T is used vs !0?

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Array of pointers in C++/CLI MSIL assembly

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NullReferenceException vs. MSIL

Are there SIMD instructions in CIL?

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Using the DLR for (primarily) static language compilation

Why can't I step into a Call instruction during Debug / Disassembly?

Does compiling to native code in .Net remove the MSIL completely?

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ILGenerator.DeclareLocal() takes a type of a class not yet compiled

What does "final" mean in IL?

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While loop in IL - why stloc.0 and ldloc.0?

.net cil

How is pinning represented in IL

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Is there a good wrapper around ILGenerator? [closed]

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Understanding how the C# compiler deals with chaining linq methods

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Why does the C# 7 discard identifier _ still work in a using block?

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