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New posts in cd

Autorunning program from CD or USB on Win7/8

How to follow a shortcut in powershell

powershell symlink shortcut cd

change directory from string

bash path cygwin cd

Cygwin 'cd' command always tells me "No such file or directory"

bash path cygwin cd

Find location of current script (mlx-file) in MATLAB

matlab directory cd

Jenkins JNLP4-connect connection from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx failed after the success of build procedure

bash expand cd with shortcuts like zsh

bash path expand cd

How to move one directory back in unix / linux when path contains symbolic links?

linux shell unix symlink cd

'cd' option to change to the previous directory

bash scripting directory cd

git init, add, commit from a different directory

git cd working-directory

A bash one-liner to change into the directory where some file is located

bash cd

What is the reason for the CD /D switch in Windows cmd?

Change cd default directory (bash) [closed]

linux bash terminal cd

system("cd <path>") in a C program

c windows cmd system cd

Stay in directory changed after ending of bash script

bash shell cd

How POSIX compliant is "/path/file/.."?

bash sh posix cd ash

cd into a directory without knowing its name in bash

bash cd

Difference between cd and function chdir

perl cd chdir