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New posts in castle-windsor

Windsor and DbContext per request - DbContext has been disposed

What is the purpose of injecting HttpContextBase in Controller with IoC

In Castle Windsor, can I register a Interface component and get a proxy of the implementation?

Castle windsor logging facility

Architecture problem: use of dependency injection resulting in rubbish API

Dependecy injection(Windsor) on WPF UserControl

How to pass resolved instances from Inversion of Control to classes in application?

Ninject feature (WhenInjectedInto) equivalent in Windsor

Configuring Castle Windsor using xml/app.config

Lazy loading with NHibernate Castle Facility

Using MEF with NHibernate and Castle Windsor

Automapper Custom Resolver - Inject Repository into constructor

Castle Windsor Registration of Interface and Abstract Implementations


How can I unit test that Windsor can resolve Asp.net MVC3 controller dependencies?

injecting connection strings to DI resolved classes

IoC (Windsor) - What is a "Default Interface"?

Is it possible to have Castle Windsor resolve property dependancies when you dont have a reference to the container?

Castle Windsor ASP.NET MVC 4 and Web API same application. Only if MVC controllers have no dependencies?

Windsor Logging Facility: Control log name

c# castle-windsor nlog

IoC: Castle Windsor and WebAPI