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New posts in case-class

Prohibit generating of apply for case class

Converting a case class to CSV in Scala

scala csv macros case-class

How do I pull apart Case Classes filled with Options in Scala

scala option case-class

Efficiently serializing case classes

Handling case classes in twitter chill (Scala interface to Kryo)?

How can I configure Circe to stop using nested class names as key names in encoded JSON?

json scala case-class circe

Case classes and Proxy behaviour in Scala 2.9

How do I add a no-arg constructor to a Scala case class with a macro annotation?

How do I create an explicit companion object for a case class which behaves identically to the replaced compiler provided implicit companion object?

Using Scala Case Classes as De-facto Maps

Why case class is named 'case'?

scala case-class

Is actually possible to deprecate Scala case class fields?

scala case-class

Scala duck typing pattern matching

scala case class put methods in companion object?

scala case-class

Will the var members in case class affect case class's equality?

Scala: reflection and case classes

Rename and Override equals method in case class

scala case-class

Case Class default apply method

scala case-class

Scala capture object reference while still using extractors

Problem with bounded type parameterised case class and default args in Scala