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New posts in c++17

if constexpr instead of tag dispatch

Returning by rvalue reference vs returning by value

Can you violate ODR with structured bindings on a class type

cannot compile function template instantiation containing "if constexpr"

Clang vs. GCC when static_cast'ing to a move-only type

Default template parameters in using-declaration and instantiation

Does C++ standard allow std::optional<double> to be implemented without overhead

Why do *_iterators still require typedef something void after removing std::iterator?

c++ iterator c++17

Static cast to a class from a limited set of classes

Class template argument deduction of member variables

c++ c++17

Correct way to ensure sharing with std::hardware_constructive_interference_size

c++ alignment c++17

Visual Studio not performing RVO when ternary operator is used and move/copy ctors are deleted

c++ visual-studio c++17

Call each tuple member with a result of the previous call recursively

alias template for member template

How can one get user's home directory using C++17 std::filesystem?

c++ c++17

Does this program with bounded recursion have undefined behavior?

When are inline variables in static storage initialized?

C++17 template argument deduction mystery [duplicate]

c++ templates c++17

C++ std::variant - Type traits to verify that the contained variant types meet some assumptions

Undefined behaviour in repeated use of prefix ++ operator