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git fails because of an untracked working tree file

About Branch Prediction of i7

Is there any way to exclude branches from showing in GitK?

git branch gitk

Switching branches in git

x86-64 Assembly test - jle

assembly x86 branch intel

Sorting out a Git mess

Working on multiple SVN branches in 1 Eclipse Workspace

eclipse svn branch appsettings

How do I branch an individual file in SVN?

svn version-control branch

Cannot create branch in Github

github branch git-branch

How do I create a new git branch from the changes I have in the working tree?

git branch

Subversion: Can trunk be reset to previous revision after branching/tagging?

svn branch revert

mercurial - see changes on the branch ignoring all the merge commits

push from local branch to different remote branch

Git rebase and children branches

git branch rebase

Keeping track of source code variants

git embedded workflow branch

Git Switching branch

git branch

Git: How to push from "no branch" to a new remote branch?

git branch push remote-branch

Looking for tips about SubVersion's best practices, branching and the social aspect [closed]

Show branches that do not contain commit

git branch dvcs

Using Bitbucket, how do I get commits from one branch into another?

git branch bitbucket