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New posts in boolean

boolean operation trick

java boolean

What values should a boolean function in Perl return?

perl boolean undef

Python numpy.nan and logical functions: wrong results

std::vector<bool> optimization implementation

Is there a way to compare multiple (non-boolean) things at once using | or & in Java, similar to how you can catch multiple exceptions using |? [duplicate]

java boolean equality

Bool support Oracle SQL

sql oracle boolean

What is the difference between truthy and falsy with true and false in JavaScript?

What is the best implementation for boolean in MySQL using Java to connect to the database?

java mysql boolean

Validate a Boolean expression with brackets in C#

Why does {} == false evaluate to false while [] == false evaluates to true?

Setting false value vs. removing an attribute

html boolean

How do you get your Fulltext boolean search to pick up the term C++?

XSLT 1.0 Idiom for ternary if?

xslt xpath boolean ternary

Boost for a Bool query on Elasticsearch having little effect

boolean elasticsearch

Setting bool value to input and getting string type via javascript/jquery

Bitwise AND with function returning bool in C++

In Python Pandas, boolean operation

python boolean pandas series

Is it dangerous to overload bool operator in this case

manually defining boolean conjunction

Does "operator true" in c# have exactly two places it can be used?