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Validate a Boolean expression with brackets in C#

I want to validate a string in C# that contains a Boolean expression with brackets. The string should only contain numbers 1-9, round brackets, "OR" , "AND".

Examples of good strings:

"1 AND 2"

"2 OR 4"

"4 AND (3 OR 5)"


And so on...

I am not sure if Regular Expression are flexible enough for this task. Is there a nice short way of achieving this in C# ?

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Yaron Levi Avatar asked Sep 23 '12 14:09

Yaron Levi

People also ask

Do brackets matter in Boolean algebra?

This law of Boolean Algebra states that the order of terms for an expression (or part of an expression within brackets) may be reordered and the end result will not be affected. The brackets may be considered a single term themselves (remember, everything in Boolean Algebra always results in either True or False).

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The condition is a Boolean expression: an expression that evaluates to either true or false . Boolean values are another type of data type in programming languages, and they can only ever hold true or false.

2 Answers

It's probably simpler to do this with a simple parser. But you can do this with .NET regex by using balancing groups and realizing that if the brackets are removed from the string you always have a string matched by a simple expression like ^\d+(?:\s+(?:AND|OR)\s+\d+)*\z.

So all you have to do is use balancing groups to make sure that the brackets are balanced (and are in the right place in the right form).

Rewriting the expression above a bit:


((?x) makes the regex engine ignore all whitespace and comments in the pattern, so it can be made more readable.)

Where OPENING matches any number (0 included) of opening brackets:

\s* (?: (?<open> \( ) \s* )*

CLOSING matches any number of closing brackets also making sure that the balancing group is balanced:

\s* (?: (?<-open> \) ) \s* )*

and BALANCED performs a balancing check, failing if there are more open brackets then closed:


Giving the expression:

\s* (?: (?<open> \( ) \s* )*
\s* (?: (?<-open> \) ) \s* )*
    \s* (?: (?<open> \( ) \s* )*
    \s* (?: (?<-open> \) ) \s* )*

If you do not want to allow random spaces remove every \s*.


See demo at IdeOne. Output:

matched: '2'
matched: '1 AND 2'
matched: '12 OR 234'
matched: '(1) AND (2)'
matched: '(((1)) AND (2))'
matched: '1 AND 2 AND 3'
matched: '1 AND (2 OR (3 AND 4))'
matched: '1 AND (2 OR 3) AND 4'
matched: ' ( 1    AND ( 2 OR  ( 3 AND    4 )  )'
matched: '((1 AND 7) OR 6) AND ((2 AND 5) OR (3 AND 4))'
matched: '(1)'
matched: '(((1)))'
failed:  '1 2'
failed:  '1(2)'
failed:  '(1)(2)'
failed:  'AND'
failed:  '1 AND'
failed:  '(1 AND 2'
failed:  '1 AND 2)'
failed:  '1 (AND) 2'
failed:  '(1 AND 2))'
failed:  '(1) AND 2)'
failed:  '(1)() AND (2)'
failed:  '((1 AND 7) OR 6) AND (2 AND 5) OR (3 AND 4))'
failed:  '((1 AND 7) OR 6) AND ((2 AND 5 OR (3 AND 4))'
failed:  ''
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Qtax Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09


If you just want to validate the input string, you can write a simple parser. Each method consumes a certain kind of input (digit, brackets, operator) and returns the remaining string after matching. An exception is thrown if no match can be made.

public class ParseException : Exception { }

public static class ExprValidator
    public static bool Validate(string str)
            string term = Term(str);
            string stripTrailing = Whitespace(term);

            return stripTrailing.Length == 0;
        catch(ParseException) { return false; }

    static string Term(string str)
        if(str == string.Empty) return str;
        char current = str[0];

        if(current == '(')
            string term = LBracket(str);
            string rBracket = Term(term);
            string temp = Whitespace(rBracket);
            return RBracket(temp);
        else if(Char.IsDigit(current))
            string rest = Digit(str);
                //possibly match op term
                string op = Op(rest);
                return Term(op);
            catch(ParseException) { return rest; }
        else if(Char.IsWhiteSpace(current))
            string temp = Whitespace(str);
            return Term(temp);
        else throw new ParseException();

    static string Op(string str)
        string t1 = Whitespace_(str);
        string op = MatchOp(t1);
        return Whitespace_(op);

    static string MatchOp(string str)
        if(str.StartsWith("AND")) return str.Substring(3);
        else if(str.StartsWith("OR")) return str.Substring(2);
        else throw new ParseException();

    static string LBracket(string str)
        return MatchChar('(')(str);

    static string RBracket(string str)
        return MatchChar(')')(str);

    static string Digit(string str)
        return MatchChar(Char.IsDigit)(str);

    static string Whitespace(string str)
        if(str == string.Empty) return str;

        int i = 0;
        while(i < str.Length && Char.IsWhiteSpace(str[i])) { i++; }

        return str.Substring(i);

    //match at least one whitespace character
    static string Whitespace_(string str)
        string stripFirst = MatchChar(Char.IsWhiteSpace)(str);
        return Whitespace(stripFirst);

    static Func<string, string> MatchChar(char c)
        return MatchChar(chr => chr == c);

    static Func<string, string> MatchChar(Func<char, bool> pred)
        return input => {
            if(input == string.Empty) throw new ParseException();
            else if(pred(input[0])) return input.Substring(1);
            else throw new ParseException();
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Lee Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
