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BizTalk Web Reference - generated XSD has "lost" information from WSDL

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GCHandle, AppDomains managed code and 3rd party dll

Merging BizTalk binding files

BizTalk Catch Http Response Code

BizTalk Server 2013 Rest Error Handling

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How Set Attachment Name to Show Properly in Outlook

Biztalk suspended messages in database

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How do I set the MSMQ Message Extension Using BizTalk's MSMQ Adapter?

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BizTalk - CDATA in a message assignment shape

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How can i modify text in a stream efficiently, in a BizTalk pipeline component?

Adapter slows down BizTalk

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BizTalk: Finding the document specification failed


BizTalk Flat File Schema - how to accept a LF or CRLF as the line delimiter

Need XSLT transform to remove duplicate elements - sorted by an attribute

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Is there a way to automate turning a BizTalk Receive Location on or off through code?

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Should we introduce BizTalk/ESB?

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What is the best way to create a new message within a Biztalk Orchestration?

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Will/Does Visual Studio 2013 support BizTalk 2013 projects?

BizTalk - Routing failure on a delivery notification

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How to use an AppDomain to limit a static class' scope for thread-safe use?