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New posts in benchmarking

Docker doesn't get 100% of the CPU

Which JS benchmark site is correct?

How to run Apache benchmark load-test in Windows?

apache benchmarking

What is the difference between TPC-C, TPC-E and TPC-H benchmark?

fastest way to get Min from every column in a matrix?

r matrix benchmarking min

YCSB for Cassandra 3.0 Benchmarking

Jvm native code compilation crazyness - I seem to suffer odd performance penalties for some time even after the code is compiled. Why?

Why is List<>.OrderBy LINQ faster than IComparable+List<>.Sort in Debug mode?

c# linq sorting benchmarking

Why does Perl's tr/\n// get slower and slower as line lengths increase?

perl count benchmarking

Exit the loop after specific time in C#

c# benchmarking

How to profile benchmarks using the pprof tool?

Odd results from monad transformer benchmark. A bug?

Is remove() faster than get() in HashMap?

Why does performance of java stream fall off with relatively large work compared to "for" loop?

Java Performance History [closed]

Why is json.loads an order of magnitude faster than ast.literal_eval?

Why is Redis SET performance better than GET?

How do I get consistent criterion benchmarks, or interpret results across runs?

How can I benchmark a websocket-based Node.js application?

guava cache vs ehcache benchmark [closed]