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New posts in cassandra-2.0

Encrypting the database at rest without paying?

Trying to login to cassandra's console (cqlsh) and it rejects me

Cassandra ReadTimeout when querying existing data

cassandra cassandra-2.0

What types of tombstones does Cassandra support?

Delete from cassandra Table in Spark

Cassandra - Is there a way to limit number of async queries?

Cassandra uuid or text with uuid from Java

What is the recommended approach towards multi-tenant databases in Cassandra?

Is there a way to get random rows each time if the data does not change in Cassandra like MySQL RAND()

Replication in cassandra

cassandra cassandra-2.0

FileNotFoundException during compaction

Token Aware Astyanax Connection pool connecting on nodes without distributing connections over nodes

Error on Cassandra server: Unable to gossip with any seeds

cassandra cassandra-2.0

Cassandra Query Failures: All host(s) tried for query failed (no host was tried)

value slice is not a member of play.api.libs.iteratee.Enumerator

CQL--get records by id and latest timestamp

cql cassandra-2.0

nodetool cfhistograms output

How can I create User Defined Functions in Cassandra with Custom Java Class?