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Can logical operators be used with find and xargs?

bash loops find xargs

Append wc lines to filename

bash shell awk file-rename wc

multiple conditions of `and` and `or` in one awk command

bash awk

Can I redirect stdin directly to file?


Dynamically add json object into array with jq

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Zipping files with relative path?

bash macos path zip

Find files that are too long for Synology encrypted shares

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Linux vs. Unix file wildcards

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How to run program on ( ubuntu bash windows 10 ) from windows task scheduler

Functions in tmux config

bash tmux

Check last character of a string

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How to use STDIN twice from pipe

linux bash shell awk pipe

Bash - Two processes for one script

bash shell unix ps

While-loop over lines from variable in bash

How do I remove 1 char in makefile

bash makefile

Trying to retrieve first 5 characters (only number & alphabet) from string in bash

bash shell

How to find the PID of a running command in bash?

bash command for group by count

bash shell awk

How to configure Asterisk `menuselect` build options programmatically?

bash asterisk

Does an argument after a redirection do anything?

linux bash redirect