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What does the rsync filter -f 'hide,! */' do?

bash terminal rsync

How to Indent a String in Bash using printf?


Exclude one string from bash output

linux bash

Dollars in Makefile environment variables

How do you parse the SRV record's port from a dig result?

bash dns port dig

How can I add or remove character from a specified line number in shell?

bash shell unix sed

read each line from a file and use it as a variable in curl command

bash curl wget

Exec sed command to a docker container

bash docker sed

How to grep the specific field value from json string using shell script [duplicate]

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Calculate 15 minutes ago in shell

bash shell date

c code to get secondary storage size

c linux bash ipc

Bash: How to catch git command failure?

git bash

Merge values for same key

linux bash shell awk

popd before return / exit function


How to kill child processes in Bash? [duplicate]

Can namerefs (declare -n) be used with arrays in bash? What does the documentation mean when it says declare -n cannot be applied to arrays?


Bash exporting multiple functions

bash sh

gsub many columns simultaneously based on different gsub conditions?

bash loops awk gsub

Bash function that breaks loop

linux bash function loops break

Bash parsing and shell expansion

linux bash shell