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How can I determine the number of threads Matlab is using?

Using 'ps' command in Linux, how to see the realtime data? [closed]

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Bash - Two processes for one script

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Is there any way to get ps output programmatically?

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What does lowercase t means in ps state code

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Meaning of columns from ps

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Bash script counting instances of itself wrongly

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Getting memory usage from 'ps aux' output with awk

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Follow pids across machines (ssh)

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find effective id euid for process with pid=<some number>

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How do I set the command line arguments in a C program so that it's visible when users type "ps aux"?

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how do you get window ID for xdotool automatically

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Sorting results of ps by start time

unix sorting ps

VSZ vs RSS memory and swap space

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Extend ps output to more than 80 characters in Solaris 8

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How to kill a process with 'kill' combined with 'grep'

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Python process management

python process ps

How to find/kill a specific python program

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How does ps show the argv for all processes on Mac OS X?

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