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New posts in bash

Bash variable defaulting doesn't work if followed by pipe (bash bug?)

linux bash

Print POSIX character class

bash posix character-class

bash variable interpolation separate variables by a hyphen or underscore

sort list of files by date in bash

bash sorting datetime

Read two files in real time


What do the curly braces mean in docker inspect --format "{{.State.Pid}}"?

bash docker

Sed and UTF-8 encoding

bash encoding utf-8 ssh sed

Shell scripts and how to avoid running the same script at the same time on a Linux machine

linux bash shell ksh

How to convert a bash string into a date?

string bash shell date

When do you need a dollar symbol before an arithmetic statement in bash?


How to run a remote bash script with arguments from local

linux bash shell scripting

How can I launch multiple xterm windows and run a command on each, leaving each window open afterward?

linux bash unix ssh xterm

piping stderr and stdout separately

bash shell

Go: execute bash script

bash go

How can I set up a superuser account on Cassandra with homebrew build?

How to conceal a segmentation fault in a bash script

Bash, ... check if a program is installed or not, using bash script [duplicate]


python sys.stdin.read() from tail -f

python linux bash stdin geoip

Entering Password Automatically for Stripe From Bash Script

bash curl stripe-payments

List all git local branches that start with string

bash shell unix git-bash