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New posts in bash

How can I iterate through lines of a remote file in shell using cURL?

bash shell curl

Launch Java application at startup on Centos

bash centos startup

Use of $? in a bash function

bash return-value

Suppress syntax error or warning in bash_completion every time new terminal is opened?

Is there a rate calculator utility in unix/bash?

bash unix command tail rate

xmllint xpath don't print error on empty set

bash xmllint

How can I make a log file from a specific application database-file in bash?

bash unix shellcode logfile

Find most recent good commit to pass to git bisect

git bash git-bisect

Bash re-assignment of value to variable "command not found" [duplicate]


How can I reorganize nested quotes within sed regex in a bash script that triggers an "unterminated substitute pattern" error?

regex macos bash sed terminal

Comparing two IP Addresses in Bash

bash ubuntu ip-address

Use awk to extract value from a line

bash awk sed

Linux Bash Script And Mongo

linux bash mongodb shell

Most efficient way to save POP (Gmail) emails to MySQL database [closed]

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Bash script to keep deleting files until directory size is less than X

bash debian

bash script duplicating i/o using a file descriptor like it were tee

Can bash grep "*" instead of "\*"?


When writing a haskell script, get syntax error near unexpected token

bash shell haskell scripting

How to modify /etc/environment from a bash script

Possible to pass literal character * as a command line argument in Bash?

bash parameters