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how to write a beautifully elegant linux command in bash shell

linux bash shell

Indenting code when redirecting text


Using cut in bash on a file with a unique deliminter

bash unicode ascii cut

How to do a pattern range match that is multi-line and non-greedy?

regex bash

Protecting arguments containing spaces from eval

linux bash shell unix eval

How can I make a bash string of command with redirect and pipe?

Put result of awk into an array

bash shell scripting awk ksh

Terminal (Mac) create alias that includes user input

git: check when the last fetch was run

git bash

I'm looking for a batch script that appends the names of multiple text files to the first line of each file

a simple sed script displaying only changed lines

regex bash sed

Tuple unpacking combined with ipython shell escape

Using sed on xargs variable isn't working inside shell expansion

bash sed redis

init script '/dev/tty: No such device or address' error on redirect

Running diff and have it stop on a difference

linux bash diff

Bash - killall -r does not match

Check if swap space exist in bash

bash swapfile

attempting to recreate supervisor tutorial in docker, running into error (permissioning?)

linux mail adding content type headers not working

linux bash shell mailx

How can I quiet all the extra text when using curl within a shell script?

bash shell curl