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New posts in azure-pipelines-build-task

Specifying Dockefile Path in Azure Pipelines

Azure CI pipeline for Blazor .NET 5 doesn't work

How to debug VSTS extension build summary tab without deploying to VSTS service?

How to use newer versions of Maven for builds in Azure Pipelines for CI/CD

NG Build fails in Azure Pipelines with NPM error 134

How to generate code coverage report for asp.net unit tests in Azure DevOps build

Is it possible to Rename or give a custom name to a Build in VSTS?

PhantomJS not captured when ran via build server

Excluding projects when executing the DotNetCoreCLI@2 task

Why TFS Build Step Extension Icon Is Missing?

Visual studio team services deploymen/buildt certificate error

VSTS NuGet pack exclude test projects

Get the sources from the branch that triggered the build in Team Services

Set "Path" environment variable during vsts build so it would persist across build tasks specifically vsTest task

VSTS build Copy Files task copies full path to destination

Sonar fails with can't be indexed twice. Please check that inclusion/exclusion patterns produce disjoint sets for main and test files

YAML Nuget restore

##[error]Could not find version number data in the following environment variable: BUILD_BUILDNUMBER

Azure DevOps Build Task: create a zip with contents identical to Visual Studio Publish

How to add secret variable as task environment variable in VSTS