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New posts in azure-pipelines-build-task

Adding errors to build summary from PowerShell script running in VSTS

VSTS Build: Replacing token with build number

Visual Studio Team Service fails Task Docker Build

Remove files and foldes on Azure before a new deploy from VSTS

Increase the screen resolution on Test Agent

VSTS build agent failed with get sources: Permission denied

XXX does not does not support provisioning profiles in azure build pipeline

Force npm install to install optional dependencies for other platforms

PackageReference Versioning Wildcard csproj

How to know the previous step result in Azure DevOps build Pipe line?

VSTS Online Portal: Un-Nesting Build Folders on Release

Using VS2019 with TFS2018 vnext build system

Export tests results from Azure DevOps

Azure Pipelines "Cache@2" fails with "##[error]The system cannot find the file specified"

Run "node test" as part of Visual Studio Team Services build task with results in "tests" tab

Reuse same build pipeline for different repository on Azure DevOps

ANDROID_HOME not set (VSTS agent running as service on OS X)

Building on a Self-hosted VSTS-BuildAgent for VS 2017 fails with error "The TransformWebConfig task could not be loaded[...]"

Packaging multiple Typescript projects depending on the same common local module

How to send a detailed email to specific developer from Azure DevOps on failure of unit tests from a Build pipeline?