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Environment variables from launchsettings.json are being used in tests?

c# .net-core azure-devops

Adding Azure Web App Service Custom Domain during Devops Deployment

Azure Devops Pipeline Environment Resource Agent installation issue

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Cannot create new Pipeline using Az DevOps Pipelines API 6.0-preview.1

How to use previous Azure DevOps yaml pipeline name in triggered pipeline?

How to run PowerShell task with admin privileges in Azure Devops pipeline

Connecting to TFSPreview Programmatically

tfs azure-devops tfs-sdk

Does Team Foundation Service have a built in Wiki?


Can you restore packages in a VSTS feed that belongs to another VSTS account?

nuget tfsbuild azure-devops

Posting JSON data using HttpClient

Error when queing build with sonarqube. Unauthorized

tfs sonarqube azure-devops

WebPack on VSTS Hosted Build

build webpack azure-devops

how do we get the apikey of VSTS nuget package management service

Unable to access symbols published in VSTS Symbol server from visual studio

In my Azure DevOps YAML Pipeline, how do I turn a bunch of Stages into a matrix of Jobs?

Run apt-get in a Docker Image within Azure Pipelines

Azure Devops Pipeline - file not found in build context

Visual Studio Team Services Release/Deploy fails - "No package found with specified pattern"

Difference between $(Build.Repository.LocalPath) and $(Build.SourcesDirectory) in TFS Build Online 2017