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New posts in axes

Gnuplot: more than 2 datasets in single plot with 2 y-axes

plot range gnuplot axes

XPath element which contains an attribute and whose parent's parent contains another attribute

How to turn off the ticks AND marks of a matlibplot axes?

python matplotlib axes

How do I scale the x and y axes in mayavi2?

python scale surf axes mayavi

matplotlib autoscale axes to include annotations

python matplotlib axes

How to use ax.get_ylim() in matplotlib

python matplotlib axes

Is it possible to link the axes of two surface plots for 3d-rotation?

matlab 3d plot axes

how to fix axes position by using set_position method in python matplotlib?

What is the correct way to replace matplotlib tick labels with computed values?

python matplotlib axes

In Matlab how can I exchange the horizontal and vertical axes of an existing plot

matlab plot axes

How can I let my stack overflow?

Enable white frames on matplotlib figure/ Disable transparent frames

matplotlib axes.set_aspect('equal') doesn't behave like expected

python matplotlib axes

matplotlib animated plot wont update labels on axis using blit

Matlab area() edge colors cover the axes lines, is there a work around?

matlab area figure axes

Matplotlib pyplot axes formatter

python matplotlib axes ticker

Set scientific notation with fixed exponent and significant digits for multiple subplots

Is there a way to remove a single plot from existing axes?

matlab plot axes

How can I set the y axis in radians in a Python plot?

python matplotlib axes radians

Matlab: How to align the axes of subplots when one of them contains a colorbar?

matlab plot axes