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How can I let my stack overflow?

I want to make a bar chart in Matlab, where one of the categories is "breaking through the roof" of the axes, over the y-axis limit, but I can't figure how to do this. When I change the upper limit to a lower value, the bar gets trucked.

What can I do?

Here is my data:

data =
   115   116    97    99   107   NaN   NaN   NaN
   111   118   101   114   102   108   111   119

I want the upper y-axis limit to be 600.

Here is what I tried:

ylim([0 600])

Here is a demonstration of the result:

stack not overflow

like image 726
EBH Avatar asked Mar 01 '17 23:03


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1 Answers

One simple option is to set the clipping property of the axes to off.

colormap('lines') % make it colorfull :)
bax = gca; % get axis handle
bax.Clipping = 'off';
bax.YLim(2) = 600; % set the upper limit

For a better result, you might want to also shrink the axes a little, so the bar will stay within the figure. Also, it's nicer without boxing the axes:

top = bax.YLim(2); % before you change the limit
bax.YLim(2) = 600; % set the upper limit
bax.Position(4) = bax.Position(4)*(bax.YLim(2)/top);
box off

the result:

stack overflow

like image 192
EBH Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09