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In Matlab how can I exchange the horizontal and vertical axes of an existing plot





Suppose I have vectors x and y, I know I can do plot(x,y) or plot(y,x) to achieve what I want. However, my question is specifically: If I have a plot already created in a figure as plot(x,y), how can I programmatically exchange the horizontal and vertical axes so that effectively I am saying plot(y,x)?

like image 786
Isopycnal Oscillation Avatar asked Apr 22 '13 02:04

Isopycnal Oscillation

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1 Answers

Interesting question +1. The following example shows how to exchange the x and y axes of the current figure:

X = (1:100)'; %# Create x axis data
Y = randn(100, 1); %# Create y axis data
plot(X, Y); %# Plot the data
view(-90, 90) %# Swap the axes
set(gca, 'ydir', 'reverse'); %# Reverse the y-axis (Optional step)

Also, a relevant link to Matlab Central is here.

like image 171
Colin T Bowers Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10

Colin T Bowers