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What is the correct way to replace matplotlib tick labels with computed values?

I have a figure with a log axis

enter image description here

and I would like to relabel the axis ticks with logs of the values, rather than the values themselves

enter image description here

The way I've accomplished this is with

plt.axes().set_xticklabels([math.log10(x) for x in plt.axes().get_xticks()])

but I wonder if there isn't a less convoluted way to do this.

What is the correct idiom for systematically relabeling ticks on matplotlib plots with values computed from the original tick values?

like image 775
orome Avatar asked Dec 19 '13 21:12


People also ask

How do you change a tick label in Python?

To fix the position of ticks, use set_xticks() function. To set string labels at x-axis tick labels, use set_xticklabels() function.

What is tick label in Matplotlib?

Ticks are the markers denoting data points on the axes and tick labels are the name given to ticks. By default matplotlib itself marks the data points on the axes but it has also provided us with setting their own axes having ticks and tick labels of their choice.

1 Answers

Look into the Formatter classes. Unless you are putting text on your ticks you should almost never directly use set_xticklabels or set_yticklabels. This completely de-couples your tick labels from you data. If you adjust the view limits, the tick labels will remain the same.

In your case, a formatter already exists for this:

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.loglog(np.logspace(0, 5), np.logspace(0, 5)**2)

matplotlib.ticker.LogFormatterExponent doc

In general you can use FuncFormatter. For an example of how to use FuncFomatter see matplotlib: change yaxis tick labels which one of many examples floating around SO.

A concise example for what you want, lifting exactly from JoeKington in the comments,:

   FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{:0.1f}'.format(log10(x))))
like image 134
tacaswell Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 09:10
