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New posts in awk

awk - how to specify field separator as binary value 0x1


Comment out N lines with sed/awk

sed awk

Is there a concise way to get awk to print everything except the first field of a record?


awk + one line awk syntax to print only once the second field if "true" word matched


Transposing two fields in awk


Awk or Perl solution to delete lines with incomplete data

perl awk

processing alternate line bash

sed awk

Set svn:ignore recursively for a directory structure

bash svn sed awk svnignore

tips'n'tricks in awk [closed]

awk idioms

Copy matching lines to a second file

sed awk

Removing all duplicate entries in a field

bash sed awk

awk "if" statement


"bad interpreter" error message when trying to run awk executable

linux awk

Find and execute mathematical expression from an xml attribute and replace the value

xml shell math sed awk

AWK script to print line with the largest number of fields

linux unix awk gawk

How to get a specific line based on a pattern if found

sed awk

How to split a file with 250k columns vertically?

unix awk

Sum the Column based on another column

linux shell unix awk

Use getline inside loop

awk while-loop

Comparing two columns in two files using awk
