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New posts in awk

Flip multiple strings vertically on bash

bash awk sed paste fold

Reading value from an ini style file with sed/awk

bash awk sed ini

Calculate average of each column in a file

awk average delimiter

Merge values for same key

linux bash shell awk

gsub many columns simultaneously based on different gsub conditions?

bash loops awk gsub

Append wc lines to filename

bash shell awk file-rename wc

multiple conditions of `and` and `or` in one awk command

bash awk

How to escape a percent sign in AWK printf?

awk printf

How to use STDIN twice from pipe

linux bash shell awk pipe

bash command for group by count

bash shell awk

How to sort the columns with below requirement

linux vim awk sed

How to merge two parts of data?

linux awk

Searching for a value in a file with two delimiters

linux bash shell awk

bash conditionnal getline with awk/tr/sed?

bash awk sed tr

using bash how can i get the network device name and ip address in one line?

bash awk grep

Two-file processing in awk

awk sed

bash extract segments of a string and store in variables

linux bash awk

how do I remove gaps between int values in a file?

Why the first line of the command line is not taken for the output

linux shell unix awk

post-decrement of NF in awk
