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New posts in awk

Efficient non-greedy method of returning multiple lines between patterns

bash awk sed

BASH: Finding maximum value in a particular CSV column

bash csv awk sed grep

Simple way to add columns from multiple files

bash awk paste

How to save each line in a text file as new file

awk while-loop

regex match square brackets once

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Linux command to view raw file, including its delimiters

linux awk sed terminal

Process large amount of data using bash

linux bash unix awk bigdata

Using pipes in an alias

bash shell unix awk alias

awk command to convert date format in a file

shell awk

sort numerically in unix/ linux where "sort -V" not available [duplicate]

linux bash sorting awk sed

sed - replace second octet on an IP address

bash awk sed

How to join 3 files using awk?


Replacing some uppercase character with lowercase character using sed

bash awk sed

use of %d is giving strange rounding values in Awk program

awk floating-point

awk -cut how to delete second column with field separator

bash awk sed

In awk, can you use a pattern AND an END block together?


Getting syntax error using awk in parallel processing

how to show the third line of multiple files

linux unix awk sed

sed/awk/perl remove the first two lines of a 3 line pattern

perl ubuntu awk sed

Save modifications in place with NON GNU awk