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New posts in avaudioplayer

Possible to use Apple system sounds in my iOS app?

select audio output divece when using QSoundEffect

What's the difference between AVPlayer and AVAudioPlayer in terms of functionality?

ios avaudioplayer avplayer

How to play an AMR audio file?

ios swift avaudioplayer

AVAudioPlayer getting wrong file duration iOS 10

AVAudioPlayer 'forgets' that its playing when triggered by MPRemoteCommand

How to debug a AVAudioPlayer play failure?

iphone avaudioplayer

Initialization of AVAudioRecorder with aac

AVAudioPlayer and AirPlay - possible?

how to playing audio in background mode when If i click on iphone button to "minimize" the app?

iphone avaudioplayer

AVAudioSession Audio Dimming Error: Deactivating an audio session that has running I/O

iOS app only plays sounds through headphones

xcode swift ios8 avaudioplayer

Audio playback not returning to original volume in Swift

Swift Audio Playback speed

In iOS, How to create audio file(.wav, .mp3) file from data?

Best way to play silence using AVAudioPlayer on iOS

ios swift avaudioplayer avkit

Best way to play a sound with an attack / sustain (loop) / decay with AVAudioPlayer

How to increase volume of sound recorded using AVAudioRecorder

How to handle error code -43 from NSOSStatusErrorDomain when initializing AVAudioPlayer Object?


Extract meter levels from audio file