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AVAudioPlayer and AirPlay - possible?

I'm trying to ascertain whether it's possible to toggle AirPlay support using the AVAudioPlayer class.

From what I have read:

AirPlay is a technology that lets your application stream audio to Apple TV and to third-party AirPlay speakers and receivers. AirPlay support is built in to the AV Foundation framework and the Core Audio family of frameworks. Any audio content you play using these frameworks is automatically made eligible for AirPlay distribution. Once the user chooses to play your audio using AirPlay, it is routed automatically by the system. [ Ref ]

Based on this info; it should work with AVAudioPlayer as it is part of the AVFoundation framework; but I can't seem to find any documentation supporting this assumption.

I have also found some documentation saying it can be done with MPMoviePlayerViewController:

Support for playing video using AirPlay is included in the MPMoviePlayerController class. This support allows you to play video-based content on AirPlay–enabled hardware such as Apple TV. When the allowsAirPlay property of an active MPMoviePlayerController object is set to YES and the device is in range of AirPlay–enabled hardware, the movie player presents the user with a control for sending the video to that hardware. [ Ref ]

Seems like there is some conflicting information here. Does anyone know if its possible to use AVAudioPlayer to route to AirPlay or are we forced to use the MPMoviePlayerController class?

Thanks very much.

like image 505
Ben Novakovic Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 22:11

Ben Novakovic

1 Answers

In response to my own question. It looks like the simple way is to add the custom volume controller is mentioned here: [ ref ], and it will work perfectly with the MPAudioPlayer. Its just a matter of positioning it.

like image 65
Ben Novakovic Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 04:11

Ben Novakovic