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New posts in automatic-ref-counting

No known instance method for selector

Apple PrefPane example fails to build with clang error objecting to both -fobjc-arc and -fobjc-gc

double free*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug in ARC

Under ARC, is it legal/safe to assign to an object-type ivar using runtime methods?

Why does it make sense to duplicate pointers in order to solve block-based retain-cycles under ARC?

How to free memory in ARC for high memory usage graphics render?

Why is 'no known method for selector x' a hard error under ARC?

ARC and Interface Builder

Retain/release with ARC is slowing me down

Why is self retained in a block that accesses one of its properties?

Is it possible to see Objective-C ARC output?

What does objc_autoreleaseReturnValue mean?

How to use CFMutableDictionaryRef with ARC

objective-c memory management--how long is object guaranteed to exist?

ARC weak ivar released before being returned - when building for release, not debug

retain cycle when calling perfromBlock on self.managedObjectContext with ARC?

assign properties, ARC and Core Foundation objects

Overriding @property setters with ARC for @property with 'copy'

Simple rules for naming methods, compatible with ARC naming conventions

does alloc init'ing a property twice result in a memory leak in ARC Objective C?