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New posts in autofac

SignalR Dependency Injection for ASP.NET Core v2.0 using Autofac

Autofac class interception doesn't work in a certain setup

How to inject dependency into MVVM View Model class?

ASP.NET MVC 3, Action Filters, and Autofac Dependency Injection

Is it possible in Autofac to resolve all services for a type, even if they were registered with a name or key?

Mocking IIndex<TKey, TValue>

c# unit-testing moq autofac

Using Autofac registering everything that ends with Service

Value cannot be null. Parameter name: context when trying to resolve a class

c# autofac

Difference between creating a scope using Autofac LifeTimeScope and Asp.net Core DI Extension IServiceScopeFactory


AutoFac.Core.DependencyResolutionException after following tutorial

c# autofac

Register all autofac modules from assembly by one line

.net ioc-container autofac

Configuring Autofac with ASP.NET MVC 5

Replace registration in Autofac


Moq with Autofac Func<Owned<IClass>>

c# moq autofac

Force a 3rd party assembly to use another version of another assembly

How to wire events with methods using Autofac?

No IUserTokenProvider is registered when using dependency injection

c# asp.net-mvc owin autofac

Injecting an internal helper class while resolving a public class

Using Autofac to inject log4net into controller

c# asp.net-mvc log4net autofac