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New posts in autofac

NHibernate with Autofac within ASP.NET (MVC): ITransaction

Understanding how Nop Commerce settings are loaded from the database

Is there a way to use AutoFac Web Api Authorization Filters through Attributes instead of injection?

Autofac - A method injection example

Autofac Lifetimes and the Default Provider within a Matching Lifetime Scope

c# autofac

Autofac Binding at Runtime

Parameterless constructor error with autofac in web api 2

Should I register ViewModels in Container?

How to unit test this IoC Registration using Named components? (Autofac)

IoC, factories and constructor arguments

Autofac lazy TypedParameter


How can one use an existing instance to select a type to create in an IoC container

Autofac Dependency Injection works in Debug but crashes in Release

How to override DI registration from other container in ASP.NET Core integration test

Configure AutoFac in ASP.NET Core 3.0 Preview 5 or higher

How to carry out custom initialisation with autofac

Service Locator easier to use than dependency Injection?

How to organize MVP with an IoC container?

How should I scope dependency injection of Entity Framework DbContext in a web app? (InstancePerHttpRequest vs SingleInstance)

Autofac Lifetime Management