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Transient vs per webrequest lifestyle, what constitutes a web request?

Use autofac in multiple project solution

.net wpf autofac ioc-container

Is it possible to resolve an instance from Autofac, given only a string key?


Registering async factory in Autofac

c# autofac async-await c#-5.0

Register HttpContext.User with Autofac

asp.net-mvc autofac

'Autofac Circular Component Dependency Detected' Error

Resolving type based on Generic Interface at runtime with autofac keyed services

c# generics runtime autofac

Instance per matching lifetime scope, with default?

Explicit resolving of ILog in Autofac when using with Log Injection Module

Resolving conditional dependencies autofac

c# autofac

Using log4net with Autofac

Can autofac do partial Resolve?

How to inject a factory of generic types with Autofac

Is there a Autofac integration library for WinForm

How to specify parameters using .net core dependency injection?

Trouble configuring Autofac in .NET Core 2.0

c# autofac asp.net-core-2.0

Proper way to profile a DbContext using MiniProfiler and EF 5 and Autofac

How to use autofac in an UWP app?

Autofac parameter passing and autowiring

RenderAction not finding action method in current controller in current area