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New posts in atomic

Can I make the following code lock free / atomic?

c++ multithreading atomic

usage golang atomic LoadInt32/StoreInt32 (64)

go atomic

Concurrent reads on non-atomic variable

Is there any atomic set operation that returns the old value in C?

c atomic

C++ member update visibility inside a critical section when not atomic

c++ multithreading atomic

Updating an atom with a single value

concurrency clojure atomic

Writable atomic property 'result' cannot pair a synthesized setter/getter with a user defined setter/getter [duplicate]

ios warnings atomic

Is a successful send() "atomic"?

sockets tcp atomic

Is there any justification not to ALWAYS use AtomicInteger as data members?

Updating a maximum value from multiple threads

C++11 atomic: why does this code work?

How to use IORef with lenses?

How to add an item to a memcached list atomically (in Python)

Weak guarantees for non-atomic writes on GPUs?

const fns are an unstable feature when using AtomicUsize::new

compiler-errors rust atomic

Atomic read and delete from Redis using StackExchange.Redis

AtomicInteger and Math.max

java thread-safety atomic

C++11: what's the difference between atomic<T>::store and atomic_store<T>

c++ function class c++11 atomic

Is atomic.LoadUint32 necessary?

go atomic

Does Array.Copy maintain the guarantee about atomic reads and writes on a per element basis?

c# .net atomic