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New posts in atomic

Interrupting an assembly instruction while it is operating

java synchronized on method Not working?

how can I convert non atomic operation to atomic

c operating-system atomic

Global variable in namespace - Values differ in threads

Redis is ZINCRBY atomic?

redis mutex atomic

Performing "atomic" operation "IncreaseIf" on database

How do I call a script from a script in Redis?

lua redis eval atomic

c++ Best Way to Share state between threads

Rethinkdb atomic operations

rethinkdb atomic

Why does std::atomic<std::string> give trivially copyable error? [duplicate]

Is there any performance difference in just reading an atomic variable compared to a normal variable?

source for native sun.misc.Unsafe operations in java

memory ordering with atomic_flag spin lock

c++ c++11 atomic

Best way to remove item in a list for an atom in Clojure

How to atomically add and fetch a 128-bit number in C++?

c++ atomic

Performance of std::mutex and QMutex in MinGW 64 (posix thread version)

qt c++11 stl mutex atomic

is multiple assignments of atomic variables, an atomic operation?

c++ atomic

why C/C++ compiler not always make ++a atomic?

Is clflush or clflushopt atomic when system crash?

Correct use of AtomicReference.compareAndSet for a stack implementation

java concurrency atomic